Whitepaper: Working with Solaris Containers and the Solaris Service Manager

Sun BluePrints department released a new whitepaper about Solaris 10 Containers (many of you mainly refers to them just talking about Zones), Solaris Predictive Self Healing and Solaris Service Management Facility:

Solaris Containers and Predictive Self-Healing technologies work together by creating separate execution environments, each with its own namespace and assigned resources.
Each environment can have its own self-healing personalities that can be changed, copied, and reloaded as needed.
These technologies enable administrators to determine the current state of the environment, making it easier to use the Solaris OS for consolidation efforts.

This article provides an inside look on what the Solaris 10 OS has to offer, as well as ideas on how to get started and put these new features to work, with technologies such as Solaris Containers, Solaris Predictive Self Healing and Solaris Service Management Facility.
Emphasis is placed on illustrating how these functionalities can be used to create isolated environments customized for specific applications.

Read it here.

Whitepaper: Solaris Containers Technology Architecture Guide

Sun BluePrints department released a new whitepaper about Solaris 10 Containers (many of you mainly refers to them just talking about Zones):

This Sun BluePrints article is a must-read for those looking to find new ways to reduce IT infrastructure costs and better manage end user service levels.

While costs from managing vast networks of servers and software components continue to escalate, existing server consolidation and virtualization techniques do not adequately provision applications and ensure shared resources are not compromised.
The Solaris Containers technology addresses this void by making it possible to create a number of private execution environments within a single instance of the Solaris OS.

This paper provides suggestions for designing system configurations using powerful tools associated with Solaris Containers, guidelines for selecting features most appropriate for the user’s needs, advice on troubleshooting, and a comprehensive consolidation planning example.

Read it here.

Nixperience adopts Xen for web hosting

Quoting from the Nixperience official annoucement:

Nixperience today announced the release of NixVPS, a Virtual Private Server Solution, providing Small Medium Enterprises/Businesses (SME/SMBs) and web host providers alike, the ability to harness the functionality of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost, and the ability to leverage on a robust and sturdy server virtualization environment for all their business needs.

Utilizing the XEN virtualization system, NixVPS is able to partition a single physical server into many isolated virtual private servers where each virtual private server looks and behaves exactly like a real networked server system, complete with its own configuration files, own versions of system libraries and its own control on users, processes, and file system…

vizioncore bundles its products in the new esxEssentials

vizioncore is working good to gain momentum in the virtualization market, first with the highly successful launch of free entry-level package esxBasics, then with the first release of esxReplicator.

They are now aggressively pushing all products with the launch of esxEssentials, a convenient bundle of esxRanger Professional, esxCharter and esxReplicator (all available as full releases).

The esxEssentials bundle is offered at an introductory price of $899 per CPU, instead of $1,250 per standalone products.

Event: VMware TSX 2006 US

Technical Solutions eXchange is the VMware technical conference for VMware Certified Professionals (VCPs) and Partners tooking place in Europe (to fill the empty space of a missing VMworld for EMEA…) every year since 4 years.

VMware has now chosen to replicate the event in the US for the first time: the TSX 2006 for US will take place in Orlando, FL, on 23th and 24th May.

Look at the agenda here and register for the event here.

I attended the TSX 2006 in Paris as guest this year and you could be interested in reading some sparse feedbacks I collected.

The first attempt to arrange a Nordic Symposium for Europe, the open of this year TSX for public, and this replication of TSX in US suggest there is a small chance VMware is planning a VMworld for EMEA too, offering 2 events in both regions per year.
This possibility seems to be also supported by some numbers: my sources says Nordic Symposium scored around 450 attendes while TSX scored more than 500.

In case of a VMworld event for EMEA the big problem would be providing original content in both events which is absolutely mandatory to attract 1000+ attendees at a 4 o 5 days event.

The feed of original contents is a problem VMware already had with Nordic Symposium and TSX (mainly replicating VMworld sessions) and which other big vendors face as well: Microsoft for example is suffering this with european TechEd and IT Forum conferences since ever.

Another related problem would be choosing at which event officially launch a new product.
The quite obvious choice is choosing the US market, but a product launch drives much more attendees than just a great agenda about already familiar technologies, and it would be a big help in boosting an EMEA VMworld conference.

A possible strategy for this could be announcing datacenters, commercial products (ESX, VC, ACE) at the US VMworld , and desktop/SMB products (Player, Server) at the EMEA VMworld, trying to maintain an high hype during a large part of the year.

Anyway I would not expect anything new on this front until 2007.

Thanks to Run-Virtual for the news about TSX 2006 for US.

Event: SWsoft Global Hosting Partner Summit 2006

SWsoft launches its own conference from May 30th to June 1st, in Herndon, Virginia.

The event is reserved for partners and even if it’s mainly focused on the web hosting business, on the second day SWsoft will present one session about Virtuozzo.
This could be an opportunity for the company to announce new plans about its OS partitioning product.

Check out the agenda and register for it here.

VMware launches Server beta 3

The much expected VMware Server has now reached beta 3 status (build 23869) and brings in two important features:

  • support for background snapshots
  • experimental support for Solairs 10 (including Update 1 and Update 2 beta) x86 / x64 guest OS

Read the official Release Notes and download the beta 3 here.

The virtualization.info Virtualization Industry Roadmap has been updated accordingly.

Note that Solaris 10 Update 2 is expected for June, and VMware could want to wait until that moment to finally release VMware Tools for Solairs, after 2 years of experimental support without them on Workstation.

Tech: Including more informations in Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 virtual machines configuration file

Ben Armstrong is still working on the use of SetConfigValue and GetConfigValue, this time to teach how to embed in VMC files further informations, useful for third party management tools or custom scripts:

Set vs = CreateObject(“VirtualServer.Application”)
set vm1 = vs.FindVirtualMachine(WScript.Arguments(0))

key = “Bens_Test_Key/Some_Value”

Result = vm1.SetConfigurationValue(key, “Hello World”)

Wscript.echo “Fetching custom key: ” & key & ” value: ” & vm1.GetConfigurationValue(key)

Be sure to read the original post for comments and updates.

VMware to further detail its Virtual Machine Interface at Linux Symposium 2006

Steve Herrod, Vice President of Technology Development at VMware, just remarked from its blog the company commitment in providing a standard virtualization interface for Linux kernel.

His intervention is timely: recently the online press underlined VMware and Xen developers contrasts on how to approach the hypervisor standardization, and how this is slowing down progress since more than one year.

In his post Mr. Herrod also announced more details about VMware vision for standardization, called Virtual Machine Interface (VMI), will be disclosed at upcoming Linux Symposium 2006, where Pratap Subrahmanyam, Principal Engineer at the company, will present a session title Transparent Paravirtualization for Linux.