Release: Trilead VM Explorer 3.6.009

Trilead has released version 3.6.009 of its VM Explorer, a backup solution for VMware Virtual Machines. VM Explorer Backups can be stored on ESX, Windows, Linux and FreeBSD based storage platforms or directly to a SAN.

This version fixes an issue when creating a folder on iSCSI drives and some other bugs.

The main new features of VM Explorer 3.6.009 are:

  • Support for ESX & ESXi
  • Notification message for VM Explorer updates

VMware updates vSphere 5 Licensing and Pricing

Last month, VMware introduced version 5 of their product suite, introducing new features for their product line and a new licensing model based on the amount of memory allocated for a virtual machine when it is powered on. This new licensing model caused a lot of discussion in the VMware community, and of course competitors of VMware used the new license model to promote their own solution.

Now VMware has announced an update to the license model, making some changes based on the feedback which they massively received.

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Release: Linux Integration Services for Microsoft Hyper-V 3.1

Microsoft has released version 3.1 of the Linux Integration Services for its hypervisor Hyper-V, providing support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.0 and 6.1 and CentOS 6.0, for which support was announced in May this year, in both 32- and 64-bit versions up to 4 vCPUs. Microsoft now also provides the Integration Services in Red Hat Package Manager format (RPM)

The other supported distributions RHEL 5and Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 are still supported with the 2.1 version of the integration services, which were released in July last year. This version doesn’t provide support yet for Ubuntu and Debian distributions, which Microsoft announced in June this year.

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Microsoft gives sneak preview of upcoming features for the next version of Hyper-V

Until now, most of the news of the next version of Hyper-V focused on Microsoft integrating the technology in its next version client OS, Windows 8.

During its annual World Wide Partner Conference (WWPC) this year, Microsoft finally showed some of the features coming for the next version of its Server OS, called Windows Server 8, which shares the same development track as the client OS, and is expected to be released next year as well.

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Veeam launches research site on virtualization adoption

Veeam announced on July 17th the availability of an index, named V-Index, which measures the virtualization penetration rate in enterprise data centers.

The V-index was performed in Q2 2011 and it surveyed 544 large-scale enterprises across the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany. The study was fielded by Vanson Bourne, an independent market research company, and focused primarly on server virtualization.

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VMware announces vSphere 5 – UPDATED

Yesterday VMware CEO Paul Maritz and CTO Steve Harrod presented a major update in VMware software stack, speaking at the online event “Raising the Bar, Part V”.

The new version of vSphere aims to be the foundation of a complete suite for virtualization and virtualization management, providing a flexible solution for all of the use cases, delivering what VMware calls “IT As A Service” (ITaaS). Read further for an overview of the new capabilities and the new licensing model.

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