Microsoft working on expanding Linux support on Hyper-V

The Register is reporting that Microsoft is working on supporting the Ubuntu and Debian Linux distributions as supported guest Operating Systems within Hyper-V. The information comes from an interview held with Sandy Gupta, General Manager for marketing strategy for the Open Solutions Group within Microsoft. Last month Microsoft already announced support for CentOS on top of the already supported Linux distributions SuSE and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Although several community efforts are being made to support other Linux distributions within Hyper-V, the fact that this eventually isn’t supported by Microsoft is what keeping companies to actually implement the solution. By supporting more and more Linux distributions, Microsoft is clearly challenging other companies by providing a solution for hosting Linux VM’s both on-premise on its Hyper-V virtualization solution, as off-premise on its Azure cloud platform.

Xen and KVM both included in upcoming Linux 3.0. – UPDATED

Last week, the release candidate of Linux 3.0 was released, after being approved by Linus Torvalds. The final release is expected in seven to nine weeks. From a virtualization point of view, the interesting news is that this release now contains full Xen guest and management domain support the Xen hypervisor in the mainline kernel, which means that from now on, each Linux kernel from 2.6.39 and onwards can serve as guest or host in the case of KVM, which was already included or as Domain 0(host) or Domain U(guest) in the case of Xen.

Until now, there was a substantial Linux kernel patch which had to be applied in order to transform a Linux OS into a Xen host, the paravirtualized drivers for running Linux as a Xen host, were already part of the codebase. Xen itself uses Linux as its Management OS.

Update: We were contacted by Todd Deshane, who corrected a couple of things, this mainly has to do with the fact that Xen is a so called Type-1 hypervisor, and therefore it can’t be included in Linux because it runs under the OS, where KVM is a Type-2 hypervisor which runs in the OS.

AppZero adds Simon Crosby to Board of Directors

AppZero, the company which provides application virtualization solutions, has announced that Simon Crosby, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Data Center and Cloud Division at Citrix has been elected to its board of directors.

This news follows the recent hires of Ross Norrie as VP Engineering and Valerie O’Connel as VP Business Development & Marketing in January this year. In October last year AppZero hired Bill Cullen as its CTO, quite recently after Mark Striling and Nigel Stokes invested in the company.

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Release: Unidesk Corporation Unidesk 1.3.1.

Unidesk has released version 1.3.1 of its Cachepoint solution. This version is the follow up of version 1.2,which was released in December last year. CachePoint decouples the operating system from the applications, and the applications from the user data and personalization without introducing an additional abstraction layer and file system/registry redirection like application virtualization solutions do.

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Tech: How to defrag a Hyper-V R2 Cluster Shared Volume

Hans Vredevoort, a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional with the expertise Clustering wrote an article about fragmentation of a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV).

Cluster Shared Volumes is an enhancement, implemented as a file system filter driver introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2 which allows multiple virtual hard disk (VHD) images to be mounted on a single logical volume, allowing migration of virtual machines from one physical host server to another with minimal downtime, called Live Migration within Hyper-V environments.

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Paper: Windows 7 IOPS for VDI: Deep Dive

Atlantis Computing virtualization consultant Jim Moyle released a white paper (28 pages) on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Input/Output operations per second (IOPS) for Windows 7 deployments.

Windows 7 IOPS for VDI is a very important topic – as Moyle points out – since:

many IT organizations planning a Windows 7 migration with VDI are unaware that the combination of Windows 7 and Anti-virus more than doubles the amount of memory and IOPS required per desktop compared to Windows XP

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RackSpace and Citrix launch hosted VDI platform

Last week during the annual Citrix Synergy Summit, RackSpace announced the availability of a new hosted Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offering in cooperation with Citrix.

The new platform features RackSpace comprehensive hosting services, leveraging Citrix technologies such as XenServer, XenDesktop and  XenApp. The platform, however, is not limited to Citrix technologies. Customers access the environment using a site to site connection between the corporate network and the RackSpace infrastructure.

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Release: MokaFive BareMetal 1.0

In June last year, reported about the fact that MokaFive was working an the development of a client hypervisor called BareMetal, and today MokaFive announced the release of MokaFive BareMetal. The hypervisor requires 2 GB and a 64-bit compatible CPU to run.

Some of the featues BareMetal provides are:

  • Support for Intel, ATI and Nvidia GPUs
  • Single desktop image for all machines
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Citrix announces technical preview of XenClient 2.0

During Citrix Synergy this today, Citrix announced the release of a technical preview for the second version of their client hypervisor XenClient, and also introduced a new type supporting advanced levels of security, isolation and performance with extreme client computing requirements called XenClient XT. Version 2.0 is the follow up of version 1.0 which was released in September last year as part of XenDesktop 4.0 Feature Pack 2.

The Citrix XenClient 2.0 technical preview is available as of today.

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