Hyper-V Linux Integration Services now (unofficially) available as Debian package

Yusuf Ozturk has released a Debian package which provides Linux Integration Services for the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor.

The integration services are provides as a Debian 2.6.36 kernel upgrade and provide unofficial support for synthetic Ethernet and for 4 virtual CPUs.

Linux Integration Services are not officially available for Debian, and Microsoft doesn’t support it. But because Microsoft open sourced the Linux Integration Services drivers in July 2009, the community has the ability to extend the LIS to other distributions, like Debian in this case.

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Trilead VM Explorer 3.0 hits Release Candidate status

Trilead, which provides a backup solution for VMware virtual machines has announced that it made available a Release Candidate of VM Explorer 3.0, build 3.0.005. The current stable version is 2.0 which was released in March this year.

The main new feature is the support for incremental backups, which will work on ESX/ESXi 4.0 and will not work with the free ESXi edition. To keep track of the changes in the VM, VM Explorer uses the VMware Virtual Disk API, giving the following advantages:

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Hyper9 loses its Vice President of Outbound Marketing

Denise Court, which was Vice President Outbound Marketing at Hyper9 has left the company to join Virtual Bridges as Vice President of Marketing, BusinessWire reports.

At Virtual Bridges, Court will be responsible for the company’s marketing and communications functions, including product positioning, product launch management and integrated marketing communications targeting customers, partners, prospects, analysts, press and other key stakeholders. She comes from Hyper9 where she was Vice President, Outbound Marketing for 1 year and 7 months. Before that she was Vice President of Marketing at itzbig and Collective Technologies. She also had several marketing related functions at Pervasive Software, Motive Software, OpenConnect Systems and JBA International.

With this announcement another shift in the management team of Hyper9 takes place, last month virtualization.info reported about Hyper9 hiring a new Chief Marketing Officer and VP of Worldwide sales after the company lost its Senior R&D Scientist and it’s founder and CTO.

Virtual Bridges hires new VP of Service Provider Business Strategy

Virtual Bridges has announced that it has hired Geoff Gilton as the new Vice President of Service Provider Business Strategy, BusinessWire reports.

Gilton who will be responsible for defining the business and go-to-market strategy for the Virtual Bridges VDI platform VERDE. Gilton comes from GQuotient, where he worked for 10 months. Besided that he is also an investor and Strategic Advisor for GQuotient and SevenNumerals. Before that he was Vice President at Devonshire Investors were he worked for 6 years, in that timeframe he worked for 3 1/2 year at COLT Telecommunications.

Tech: Deploying Microsoft RemoteFX on a Single Remote Desktop Virtualization Host Server

Microsoft has released a step-by-step guide titled: Deploying Microsoft RemoteFX on a Single Remote Desktop Virtualization Host Server Step-by-Step Guide. The step-by-step guide which contains 23 pages details the steps needed of setting up RemoteFX on a single Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server with a virtual desktop that is accessible by using Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).

The document uses 5 steps to configure the environment:

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Zenoss releases ZenPack for VMware esxtop

Zenoss announced the release of a Free ZenPack which leverages esxtop, the ESX/ESXi equivalent of the Unix "Top" command.

Zenoss is an open source monitoring and system management tool, which is provided in a free Core version and a commercial Enterprise version and is provided as several installers for Linux distributions and Mac OS X or as a VMware Virtual Appliance. Zenpacks provide the functionality of what is monitored within Zenoss.

By running esxtop you can see real-time system performance data of your ESX/ESXi servers, helping you to troubleshoot your VMware environment. The ZenPack integrates this functionality within Zenoss.

The Zenpack provides:

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VMware vSphere 4.0 receives Common Criteria EAL4+ Certification

VMware has announced that it earned Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 4 (EAL4+) for VMware vSphere 4.0 and vCenter Server 4.0. The Common Criteria is an international set of guidelines that provides a common framework for evaluating security features and capabilities of Information Technology (IT) security products, and EAL4+ is the highest assurance level that is recognized globally by all signatories under the Common Criteria Recognition Agreement (CCRA).

For VMware Infrastructure 3 the EAL4+ certification was achieved in June 2008. And VMware announced in August 2009 that it submitted vSphere 4.0 for Common Criteria certification and at that time it expected to earn the certification in H2 2010. Also vSphere 4.1 has been submitted for evaluation.

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virtualization.info Rent-A-Lab becomes Datacenter on Demand

Rent-A-Lab has come a long way. When virtualization.info and its Swiss partner Kybernetika launched it almost four years ago the goal was to build an enterprise-class lab where to test latest virtualization products.

Targeting a global audience of professionals that are perpetually on the road, busy at some industry trade shows or at a customer site, we wanted a fast, worldwide accessible facility.
But most of all, we wanted a lab stuffed with next generation hardware, that could help the industry vanguard in evaluating the features and performance of tomorrow’s data center technologies.

The market answered in a phenomenal way, well beyond our expectations. To address the demand, we moved from just 9 rackmount servers to 20, then to 40.
We didn’t just added more servers, we’ve also upgraded (or replaced) the existing ones, continuing to offer one of the most cutting-edge IT infrastructure of the entire Europe.

To achieve the goal, we’ve invested a lot on our own, but we’ve asked the help of the most prominent vendors in the industry. We’ve got impressive support, moving from a single sponsor to 15, which provided all sort of hardware and software equipment, from SAN to firewalls, to glass Internet connection.
VMware and Cisco even selected RAL as their preferred location to run the first UCS Bootcamp in Switzerland.

Now it’s time for the next step: Rent-A-Lab becomes Datacenter on Demand (DonD).

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Paper: Citrix-Cisco-NetApp Validated Design Guides

In September Citrix announced a partnership with Cisco in order to deliver XenDesktop on Unified Computing System (UCS), powered by NetApp storage.

The key promise of the partnership was that Citrix, Cisco and NetApp would jointly validate the infrastructure, by providing a reference architecture and a Starter Kit and Expansion Kit to deliver solutions from entry-level 300 virtual desktop environments scaling to several thousands of desktops. The solution also would provide an choice of back-end hypervisor, initially scoped to Citrix XenServer and VMware ESX.

This week Citrix, Cisco en NetApp delivered their promise by releasing Validated Design Guides on the Cisco website.

The Validated Design Guides contain the following documents:

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