It may be just a coincidence but the just released Fedora 10 doesn’t include Xen. And this happens just a month after Red Hat unveiled its new virtualization strategy, adopting KVM and acquiring the startup that maintains it: Qumranet.
The reason behind this unexpected drop is explained in the official project newsletter:
No Dom0 Support in Fedora 10
…”There is pretty much zero chance that Fedora 10 will include a Xen Dom0 host. While upstream Xen developers are making good progress on porting Dom0 to paravirt_ops, there is simply too little time for this to be ready for Fedora 10. So if you need to use Fedora 10 as a host, then KVM is your only viable option at this time. If you can wait for Fedora 11 (or use RHEL-5 / CentOS-5) then Xen may be an option for you.” …
The distribution lifecycle implies a new major release every six months on average.
This means that Fedora users will have a long time to explore the opportunities that KVM offers. And in the meanwhile Red Hat will be able to further attract them with some new interesting products based on Qumranet technology.
Thanks to Mike DiPetrillo for the news.