VMware executives are selling their shares

The bad performance of VMW in the last couple of months have been extensively commented on several financial magazines.

Now something new can be added to the analysis: in about 30 days a couple VMware top executives sold a significant amout of their shares.

The first one is Diane Greene, Co-Founder, President and CEO, which started to sell her shares (at the price of $56.67) at the end of January.
The second one is Carl Eschenback, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Field Operations, which his shares (at the price of $52.25) in early March.

While VMware top executives are selling their shares? While this may obviously be just for personal purpose, it may hint at further negative performance coming.

An interesting move anyway, considering the amount of new products and technologies that VMware is launching. Today for example HP starts selling ESX Server 3i and VMware just launched its newest product Lifecycle Manager.

Today the VMW ticker opened at $44.53, one of the lowest price ever reached since the VMware IPO.