So far BMC did very few things to ensure a relevant position in the virtualization market.
Sure, the company supports VMware technologies in many of its products and even acquired BladeLogic in March 2008, but nothing suggests a strong commitment on virtualization beyond that. Till today.
VMware customers shouldn’t be surprised if in the coming weeks and months their resellers start to push the BMC Service Automation solutions like never before. There’s a good reason.
This part of the BMC portfolio includes:
- BMC BladeLogic Operations Manager (includes BMC BladeLogic Compliance Manager)
- BMC BladeLogic Application Release Manager
- BMC Configuration Automation for Networks
- BMC Configuration Automation for Clients
- BMC Run Book Automation
The average price for the products above is $200,000 and BMC is now offering a whooping 20% referral bonus on each one.
Today VMware happy spread the news through its channel, despite the company is about to release its own data center orchestration product: vCenter Orchestrator, probably the former Dunes VS-O, acquired in September 2007.
Multiple reasons can be behind this aggressive referral program: BMC knows that a major competitor is entering the space, BMC finally decided to become a virtualization player, the BladeLogic solutions are less interesting (or easy to sell) than expected, or the economy is really bad.