Gartner releases its 2014 Magic Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure

Gartner has released its annual Magic Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure, again positioning VMware and Microsoft in the leaders Quadrant. Leaders in this market have a clear strategy and road map for their offerings, understand virtualization’s role in infrastructure and operations transformation, and have a clear vision with respect to cloud computing. The Magic Quadrant has been written by Gartner Analysts: Thomas J. Bittman, Mark A. Margevicius and Philip Dawson.

Figure 1.Magic Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure

When comparing the Magic Quadrant to the 2013 version, which Gartner published in July last year, we now see that Citrix, which was in the leaders Quadrant in 2012, joined the Visionaries Quadrant in 2013 has now joined Parallels, Read Hat and Huawei in the Niche Players Quadrant. Gartner states that: "For server virtualization alone, Citrix’s reduction in XenServer functionality (at the same time that Microsoft and VMware are expanding) and clear strategic positioning will make XenServer an unlikely competitor."


It’s also interesting to not that a new player has entered the Magic Quadrant, Huawei with its x86 hypervisor called FusionSphere. An upcoming product in emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India and China.

For more exact details on how the Magic Quadrant was created for this year, we recommend reading the reprint provided by Gartner.


At least 70% of x86 server workloads are virtualized, the market is mature and competitive, and enterprises have viable choices. An increasing number of enterprises are evaluating both the cost benefits of competitive migrations and the benefits of deploying multiple virtualization technologies.