Survey: Veeam Virtualization Data Protection Report

Today, March 4, Veeam announced the release of its annual Virtualization Data Protection Report.

According to the report, which is a survey of 500 CIOs (Chief Information Officers) into the impact of virtualization on data protection, backup and recovery strategies, reveals that apparently enterprises are still not experiencing fully the possible benefits of a virtualization.

The report highlights that presently virtual infrastructure accounts for 51% of enterprise servers, with expectation to grow to 63% in 2014.
CIOs recognized challenges, cost issues that and data protection issues present in the growing virtual infrastructures present. Enterprises, on the other hand, are beginning to recognize the importance and benefits of virtual infrastructures.

Key findings:
– 68% of CIOs feel that their backup and recovery tools will become less effective as the amount of data and servers in their organization grows.
– Recovery of virtual servers is only a little faster than that of physical servers, at 5 and 6 hours respectively. This is actually worse than in 2011, when recovery took 4 and 5 hours.
– Every hour of downtime costs an enterprise $324,793: meaning that downtime is, on average, costing organizations at least $1.6 million per incident.
– Recovering individual files and application items can take even longer: for example, recovering individual emails takes on average 14 hours.
– Regardless of recovery times, enterprises experience problems with more than 1 in 6 recoveries.
– 88% of CIOs experience capability-related challenges with backup and recovery, 84% with complexity and 87% with cost: showing that data protection is still not a simple task.
– 58% of CIOs are planning to change their backup tool for virtual environments by 2014.

Ratmir Timashev, President and CEO, Veeam Software  said:

Virtualization is reaching a turning point. Organizations have realized the benefits that the technology can bring on its own: now they are beginning to find out what it is truly capable of when managed and applied correctly. Modern data protection tools, specifically built for virtualization, can unlock this potential as well as eliminate many of the capability, complexity and cost issues IT departments face. For example, reducing the cost of techniques such as replication allows enterprises to protect far more of their vital infrastructure from server downtime, saving millions of dollars in the process. Virtualizing recovery means enterprises can test more of their backups, rather than the mere 7% regularly tested at present. Most importantly, using the appropriate tool for the job means that CIOs can recover either individual items or entire servers in far less than 5 hours.