Propalms finally launches its VDI connection broker, it works only with VMware Server

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Propalms, a US-based firm focused on the thin client market, is interested in virtualization, specifically VDI, since a long time: in April 2007 it joined the VMware Technology Alliance Partner program and in January 2008 it announced that the newest version of its flagship product, TSE 6.0, would include a connection broker.

The product entered in beta phase in June and, without many details, Propalms announced a no better clarified compatibility with VMware ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V and Virtual Server.

Now TSE 6.0 is finally out but, with much surprise, the VDI connection broker can only work with VMware Server.
Something serious has happened: after all the announcements made Propalms doesn’t spend a single word about the new VDI capabilities on its official press release, and even the website barely mentions it.