In May 2008 VMware announced a new certification for virtualization architects: the VCDX or VMware Certified Design Expert.
To get the new title, virtualization professionals have to hold the VCP certification, pass an Enterprise Administration Exam (which includes live labs), pass a Design Exam (which includes simulations) and finally present and discuss a project, covering both the design and the implementation.
The VCDX is now available for the brave ones that want to try it.
For the ones that still have to pass the VCP exam there are some news as well: the mandatory class VMware Infrastructure 3: Install and Configure is still mandatory but at least it can be attended online.
VMware in fact released new e-learning facilities, Live Online and Flex Online, where students can attend several classes (including the one above).
The Flex Online offering is specially interesting as it allows to attend the class over 2 weeks, maybe during after-hours or weekends.