Virtualization Industry Radar now lists products

Our most loyal readers know how fast the virtualization market is expanding. Almost every month there is at least one new company announcement or an acquisition.
Tracking what each company is doing is a time consuming activity that no customer can do on daily basis, and yet there is a compelling need to recognize the players and the products they offer in different market segments.

For this reason we created a free database that lists all the companies that we track at the Virtualization Industry Radar.
In no time it became the most visited resource we offer, both for the English and the Japanese version of

Unfortunately the virtualization vendors extend their activity so fast that the current version of the tool is a bit limited. So today we announce a new, important update.

The Virtualization Industry Radar now shows the full list of market segments where a virtualization company operates and all products offered for each segment.

Additionally, it features a hopefully useful dashboard which provides a pretty good idea of how the market is evolving at first glance, showing the newest entries, the amount of tracked companies over the years and the distribution of these companies in the different market segments.

And last but not least the tool now has some filtering capabilities: companies can be filtered by their market segment, their rating or their status.

This is just the beginning: we’ll work to further improve the Virtualization Industry Radar to keep it the most valuable tool to track the virtualization market.
If you have suggestions to add more features we’d be happy to hear.

Go to the Virtualization Industry Radar