Release: CiRBA Data Center Intelligence 4.4

The canadian firm CiRBA, focused on capacity planning for large-scale infrastructures, released new version of its Data Center Intelligence (DCI) product.

In DCI 4.4 CiRBA introduces enhanced integration with VMware Infrastructure 3 plaftorm, allowing customers to maintain best virtual machines arrangement, and not only planning initial placement:

  • VMware DRS Integration
    VMware’s Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) determines motion paths for virtual machines based on workload balancing criteria, without consideration for the technical and business constraints used to determine virtual machine placement. While DRS supports affinity and anti-affinity rules to identify where systems should or shouldn’t reside, these rules must be developed and entered manually. CiRBA 4.4 enables organizations to analyze environments, factor in technical and business constraints, and automatically populate and synchronize VMware DRS rules.
  • Virtualization Overhead Modeling
    The ability to accurately model workloads is critical to virtualization planning. Virtual machines create CPU overhead, and until now VMware customers had to rely on percentage-based estimates of those overhead levels. With Version 4.4, CiRBA enables organizations to accurately model VMware workloads including virtualization overhead by using an algorithm to automatically calculate CPU overhead by converting disk and network IO into projected CPU load.
  • VMware VMotion Compatibility Analysis
    VMotion is a powerful capability that enables organizations to migrate virtual images between compatible servers without experiencing downtime. CiRBA has developed new rules that enable organizations to map where VMotion will and won’t work amongst servers they already own or intend to purchase.

CiRBA will release DCI 4.4 on end of September, with a licensing model based on monthly subscription.

The Virtualization Industry Roadmap has been updated accordingly.