Tech: Bypass networking limitations in VMware Player

As usual the brillant Ulli Hankeln found out another hack to get rid of VMware Player networking limitations (just 1 network interface):

If you want the same connectivity with VMplayer that you got with Workstation
use a detailed vmx-file:
ethernet0.present = “TRUE”
ethernet0.connectionType = “custom”
ethernet1.present = “TRUE”
ethernet1.connectionType = “custom”
ethernet2.present = “TRUE”
ethernet2.connectionType = “custom”
(ethernet3.present = “TRUE”
ethernet3.connectionType = “custom”)

first and then enter the vmnets like
ethernet0.vnet = “vmnet0”
ethernet1.vnet = “vmnet2”
ethernet2.vnet = “vmnet1”
(ethernet3.vnet = “vmnet8”)

This will show up in the Player’s GUI as connected – BUT none of the Bridged, NAT or Hostonly signs are checked.

You are NOT limited to ONE bridged, or NAT or hostonly-network.

Read the whole thread for updates on VMTN Forums.