VMware presents VMworld 2004 conference speakers

Here they are:

-) From VMware Executives:

Diane Greene

Edouard Bugnion

-) From VMware Customers:

Jon S. Stumpf
CTO, Corporate Infrastructure

Bob Mathers
Vice President of IT Operations

-) From VMware Partners:

Susan M. Whitney
General Manager, IBM eServer xSeries
IBM Systems and Technology Group

Brad Anderson
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Industry Standard Servers, Technology Solutions Group
Hewlett-Packard Company

Paul Gottsegen
Vice President, Worldwide Enterprise Marketing
Dell Product Group

This list seems to me a bit incomplete since I really doubt Diane Greene in person will speak about new memory optimization routines in Workstation 5.0…
I hope to see in this list at least every VMware product manager and some researchers.
I also can see IBM, HP and Dell (take a note about this very interesting order) but cannot see an EMC Corporation representative. Very strange.

So I suggest to check back often the speaker page.

P.s.: The VMworld 2004 agenda suddenly disappeared. IMHO this can mean just one thing: something actually under NDA will be included.