VMware Workstation product team searching for advanced users tips

Since VMware Workstation upgrade is coming, VMware staff is asking experienced customers and enthisiastic people to submit some small but very useful “tip of the day” to make them appear at product startup (as I can imagine):

The VMware Workstation product team collecting short but useful tips for new users of VMware. We want to collect them from you, the experienced users, to share with new users who are going to work with Workstation for the first time. Your ideas may find its way into the product documentation itself!!

Please reply to this message with some ideas.

Workstation Product Management

Examples are:
“To connect, disconnect or edit a removable device, right-click its icon on the status bar.”

“Suspend a virtual machine if you want to stop temporarily and resume at the same point. Take a snapshot if you want to return the virtual machine to the same point repeatedly.”

So if you think you have some good ideas reply to this post on VMware web community.