So far Symantec has been almost non-existent in the virtualization market.
The company acquired Altiris in January 2007 and AppStream in April 2008.
In more than two years the application virtualization suite SVS was updated a single time, reaching version 2.1 in June 2007.
In this timeframe not a single word was spent to detail the long-term vision and strategy for the virtualization market, despite the company made additional moves like the acquisition of a VDI connection broker provider called nSuite in August 2008.
Towards the end of last year anyway, some details about a renewed commitment emerged: Symantec renamed Altiris SVS in Workspace Virtualization (SWV), unofficially launching version 6.1 beta program.
Today, finally, we know where all of this will end out.
Symantec is repackaging the acquired technologies in a Endpoint Virtualization Suite, which includes:
- Symantec Workspace Streaming (the AppStream technology)
- Symantec Workspace Virtualization (the Altiris SVS technology)
- Symantec Workspace Corporate / Remote (the nSuite technology)
- Symantec Workspace Profiles
As the offering may sound complex for those customers that never interacted with the three companies above, Symantec released a brief summary that is worth a check.
This suite will be released somewhere in Spring 2009, except the Profiles module which will be available at a later time.