In May 2008 Credit Suisse launched a very interesting spinoff company called DynamicOps, which is competing in the VM lifecycle management space with Embotics, Fortisphere, ManageIQ and very soon with VMware too.
The first release of their product, Virtual Resource Manager (VRM), was available in July but this didn’t stop the marketing department from numbering the version as 3.0.
Almost one year later VRM 3.2 hits the market and the company announces that it can go beyond tracking the physical resources wasted by the so called VM sprawl phenomenon. It can now automate the reclaim and recycle process of the abandoned virtual machines.
The company forgot to update the website in time for the press announcement release so there’s no way to see some documentation about how this works exactly.
Another new feature that can’t be investigated at the moment is the Software Developer’s Toolkit that can be used to integrate with 3rd party management solutions.
At today the company counts 25 employees according to the Company Profile that DynamicOps manages on LinkedIn. Some of them may want to focus on producing technical and marketing literature to support the announcements.