Just two weeks ago SearchServerVirtualization published first vague informations about an upcoming lite version of VMware ESX Server, featuring hardware integration at some levels.
Now website News Director, Alex Barrett, is back on topic revealing Dell will be VMware partner offering this solution in a new server line called VESO:
VESO, according to a large Dell customer who was briefed on the product, will be available in the second half of this year, and will have extended memory and I/O capabilities, simplified iSCSI boot functionality, physical-to-virtual (P2V) migration services, and an embedded hypervisor, most likely ESX Lite.
The addition of an iSCSI boot option suggests that ESX Lite may come in multiple versions. An embedded version residing in memory would be more of an OEM offering, the source said, whereas booting off iSCSI storage rather than a flash drive or firmware could lay the foundation for larger, richer hypervisor environment…
Read the whole article at source.