Red Hat has released version 6.5. of its Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Linux-based Operating System. The OS is released in server versions for x86, x86-64, Itanium, PowerPC and IBM System z. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 was forked from Fedora 12 and contains many backported features from Fedora 13 and 14.
New functionality includes:
- Centralized certificate trust store
- Tools that meet OpenSCAP 2.1 and SCAP 1.2 standards
- Support for sub-microsecond clock accuracy over the LAN using the Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
- More comprehensive view of network activity allowing inspection of IGMP data
- Ability to dynamically enable or disable virtual CPUs in active guests
- Support for up to 4TB of memory on the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) Hypervisor
- KVM integration with the GlusterFS volumes
- Updated guest drivers for running RHEL 6.5 as a guest on supported third-party hypervisors
- Ability to deploy application images in containers created using Docker
- Support for NVM Express based SSDs
- Support for more than 255 LUNs connected to a single iSCSI target
- Enhancements in control and recovery from SAN for iSCSI and Fibre Channel
- Ability to create debug files on systems configured with very large memory using updates to the kexec/kdump mechanism
- Support for remote access to Windows Clients and servers using a newer version of the RDP protocol including Windows 7 and Windows 8 and also Windows Server 2012 R2