Book: Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Field Experience

Microsoft has released another free ebook about System Center usage, last month they released Designing Orchestrator Runbooks for their System Center Orchrestrator product and this time the ebook covers System Center Configuration Manager. The title of the book is: "Microsoft System Center: Configuration Manager Field Experience " and is written by by Rushi Faldu, Manish Raval, Brandon Linton, Kaushal Pandey and the System Center series editor Mitch Tulloch. It contains 81 pages.


The book contains the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to WMI in Configuration Manager 2012
  • Chapter 2: Configuration Manager custom reporting
  • Chapter 3: Integrating SQL Server Reporting Services with Configuration Manager 2012
  • Chapter 4: Customizing SSRS reports for Configuration Manager 2012
  • Chapter 5: Customizing function-based built-in reports
  • Chapter 6 Operating System deployment tips