Release: VMTurbo Host Resolver 1.0 / Storage Reporter 1.0

Just one month after releasing two new products, VMTurbo Planner and VMTurbo Watchdog, VMTurbo now announces the release of VMTurbo Host Resolver and VMTurbo Storage Reporer. Both new tools will be included in the Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) based virtual appliance and are part of the VMTurbo Integrated Management Suite for VMware virtualization platforms.

The VMTurbo Host Resolver can leverage the functionality of VMTurbo Watchdog to automatically troubleshoot and isolate problems and automatically computer and recommend the best resolution actions. Those resolutions actions, for example VM CPU re-sizing, VM network reconfiguration or Workload balancing can be pursued manually or automatically. Recommended remediation actions will be regulary downloaded online from VMTurbo.


VMTurbo Storage Reporter can track, analyze and trend storage resources for virtual infrastructures so that utilization and performance can be optimized. It provides capabilities to identify dormant, sprawling VMs that are wasting storage, VMs which experience performance problems due to high storage latency or VMs which suffer from IO bottlenecks


With this last two releases VMTurbo now offers the following six products:

Name Functionality Pricing
VMTurbo Monitor Real Time Monitoring Free
VMTurbo Host Reporter Reporting $30/socket
VMTurbo Planner Capacity Management $30/socket
VMTurbo Watchdog Monitoring extension Free
VMTurbo Host Resolver Remediation $200/socket
VMTurbo Storage Reporter Storage monitoring $30/socket