RSA, the EMC security division acquired in June 2006, just published a recommended reading for any VMware customer interested in VDI: A Guide for Deploying and Administering the RSA Solution for VMware View.
This is a massive 110-pages paper that describes the architecture and step-by-step implementation of a VMware View 4.0 environment secured by RSA products and managed by the EMC Ionix Server Configuration Manager.
Interestingly, RSA recommends Windows Server 2003 for the entire stack.
From a security standpoint it makes sense to not suggest the latest version of the Microsoft operating system (Windows Server 2008 R2), but RSA seems to have no problems in suggesting to deploy View 4.0, which is pretty new too, and which introduces a brand new remote desktop protocol, the software-only version of Teradici PCoIP, which probably didn’t pass much security scrutiny so far.
Maybe the reason to recommend Window Server 2003 rather than 2008 is another one and somebody from RSA will reach out to clarify this point.
Thanks to Virtual Geek for the news.