At the end of October on its official blog Microsoft finally detailed when it will relaunch the technology acquired by Kidaro Technologies in March.
Kidaro offered a security wrapper for desktop virtualization platform called Managed Workspace that Microsoft planned to offer as part of its Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP). But besides a name change (from Managed Workspace to Microsoft Enteprise Desktop Virtualization or MED-V) nothing happened so far.
The formal relaunch is expected somewhere in the first half of 2009 but Microsoft is now adding that a first MED-V beta will be ready for the first quarter of that year.
Microsoft also announced that App-V, its application virtualization and streaming solution once known as SoftGrid, will support 64bit virtualized applications in H1 2010.
The beta testers will be able to access the bits in early 2010, while those customers adhering the TAP program may have it in late 2009.