New Parallels Desktop beta introduces seamless virtualization and P2V capabilities

Parallels continues to release updates to its virtualization solution for Apple Mac OS at a frenetic pace.
It’s evident they aim to release this new version for upcoming MacWorld in San Francisco, planned for 8th January.

The new build (3036) introduces:

  • a display rendering feature called Coherence, mimicking seamless application approach introduced by Citrix in remote desktop, able to show Windows applications inside a virtual machine as part of the underlying Mac OS desktop
    (check a nice screencast here)
  • a P2V/V2V migration tool called Transporter, able to migrate physical PCs and VMware/Microsoft virtual machines
  • drag & drop between Windows guest OSes and Mac host OS
  • capability to virtualize a Windows partition made with Apple BootCamp
  • a new user interface with a virtual machines catalogue

Download the new beta here.

Meanwhile Apple continues to deny they are working on native virtualization capabilities for new Mac OS release, codename Leopard.