Qlusters already offers an open source enteprise management product, OpenQRM, able to support physical machines as well as virtual machines hosted on VMware and Xen platforms.
Now Qlusters extend its support introducing a web-based provisioning system able to interact with these platforms:
Qlusters, Inc. the leading provider of open source data-center provisioning and management software for physical and virtual environments, today announced the availability of openQRM Pro. The offering allows users to request hardware and software resources via a Web portal and then automates the approval process, provisioning and monitoring of the resources maintaining detailed reporting along the way and de-provisioning the resources once they are no longer needed by the user.
openQRM Pro also supports complex network topologies including those with virtual LANs, multiple storage islands and virtualization technologies such as VMWare and Xen.
openQRM Pro is available immediately under Qlusters’ enterprise subscription program which provides 24/7 support for $750 per server, per year…
Qlusters is also working on another feature called Transparent Application Migration (TAM), actually in beta, which allows migration of processes running inside a Linux environment between different machines (no matter if physical or virtual), without interruption of service, resembling VMware VMotion feature available with ESX Server and VirtualCenter.
The TAM beta program, now closed, is expected to last 4-8 weeks before Qlusters launches the product.