Review: reviews Sentillion vThere

Bob Roudebush published a brief overview of a new virtualization solution from Sentillion, vThere, focused on security and based on VMware Player technology.

He provided following conclusion:

All in all, I think the vThere solution is interesting and pretty compelling for companies that are looking for a better way to provide remote access to corporate applications and data. Paul was quick to point out that by the research they have, there will by about 41 million people worldwide working from home at least one day a week by 2008. If those estimates hold true, companies are going to need a better way to get them access to critical systems. The telecommuting and remote branch office scenarios are the main focus for the vThere product at this point according to our conversation. For companies whose corporate applications require standard “rich client” technology on the desktop instead of “thin client” solutions I can see how vThere would be an appealing alternative to what’s available today.

Read the review at source.