Red Hat to offer a virtualization edition of Enterprise Linux

Following the already annonced virtualization strategy Red Hat is going to offer a dedicated version of Red Hat Enteprise Linux just for Xen virtualization.

Quoting from Computer Business Review Online:

RHEL is currently available in ES, AS and WS versions, as well as the Red Hat Desktop, and the company’s president of engineering and chief technology officer, Brian Stevens, said it will likely add another version that will enable unlimited use as a virtualized operating system.

“Enterprise Linux 5.0 should allow unlimited use,” he said. “It will very likely be a different profile. It’s very likely that there’ll be a virtualization profile that will allow pervasive and unlimited use. Sitting beside ES and AS it’s a new package, and it’s a new package you don’t have to track.”

Red Hat’s approach to the problem is a little different from rival Novell Inc, which is also introducing support for Xen 3.0 in its SUSE Linux Enterprise 10. Novell has stated that if SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is used as the Xen host, any number of SLES instances can run as a guest on that server for the price of a single host.

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