VMware opens TSX 2006 to public

Not everybody knows that VMware doens’t organize just the VMworld conference in US.
There is another very important event in EMEA every year, called Technical Solutions Exchange (TSX).

TSX is different from VMworld cause it’s reserved to VMware Certified Professionals (VCP) bringing in very technical advanced sessions. Until today.
This TSX 2006 edition, taking place in Paris on 26-27th April, will be open for every customer and VMware (non-Enterprise) Partners for the first time.

The event will take place in Dysneyland Resort (wow!) and entrance fee will cost $399 for non VMware partners.
Sessions descriptions are not available at this time.

With this move VMware could start morphing TSX in a sort of VMworld for EMEA (just like Microsoft does with TechEd).

This is a good and a bad thing at the same time: is good cause TSX becomes an aggregation event in Europe (and I feel it’s really needed), it’s bad cause VCPs chances to know new/reserved things could be reduced or nulled.

In case I’ll attend the TSX 2006 I’ll write another post, hoping to personally meet every european virtualization.info readers.