VMware changes the playing field

Quoting from Redmondmag.com:

Released in mid-December of last year and with one major exploit already announced and patched, VMware’s Player tool has taken the Internet by storm. A restricted version of the well-known and full-featured VMware Workstation application, the freely distributable Player brings the core functionality of VMware to the masses at a very reasonable cost.

VMware Player won’t allow you to build new virtual machines (VMs) or reconfigure the hardware on existing ones — you’ll need VMware Workstation or a similar app for that. But if you’ve created a compatible VM, the freeware Player license suddenly opens a whole new realm of possibilities for leveraging VM technologies in the workspace. Imagine a few of the architectural possibilities now available that may have been previously financially unattainable:…

Read the whole article at source.

The author also mentioned virtualization.info quoting part of the How to improve disk I/O performances with VMware Workstation 5 article: thank you!