Quoting from official announcement:
Kalaya™ is a software utility program developed exclusively by Expert Server Group to simplify and automate management tasks and operations for users of VMware™ ESX Server (2.0 or greater) platform.
The Kalaya™ utility makes some of the most complex operations in VMware ESX simple and quick.
Using Kalaya™ Software users of VMware ESX Server can avoid using the cumbersome, time consuming, and sometimes not well documented, command line interface (CLI) for supported tasks. No advanced knowledge of VMware ESX, Virtualization concepts or the Linux kernel is required. In addition, The Kalaya™ utility is fast, accessed thought a secure text interface, offering a quick response time and ease of use.
Kalaya™ Software is installed and accessible from the ESX Kernel. Access to the menu interface is secured through an SSH connection. Kalaya™ is installed in the user directory, with no impact on the ESX kernel itself. The utilities included in Kalaya™ Software are accessible through a menu driven interface and organized by modules such as Back up and File management.
For a limited time, Expert Server Group is accepting applications for enrollment in our Kalaya™ Software Beta Program for Beta site license in the following states: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticutt, New York and New Jersey.
This news could be rather old, but I really missed it before. Try and tell me how good is (anyway the page is still up).