Hyper9 releases a cost estimator for migration to Amazon EC2

Hyper9, which recently lost his founder and CTO, just announced a new add-on for its management product Virtual Environment Optimization (VEO) 2.5

The product continues to evolve: it started as a search engine for virtual infrastructure and then morphed into what seems an articulated management framework with a pluggable architecture.
According to the public documentation, Hyper9 has the ambitious project to release a plug-in for pretty much every need a virtualization administrator may have: from capacity planning to change management, from performance monitoring to chargeback.



As part of this master plan, the company yesterday released a new lens: the Cloud Cost Estimator.

The plug-in calculates how much it would cost to run an existing, on-premises virtual infrastructure on the Amazon Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform EC2.
The tool may be really useful and Hyper9 hopefully will extend it to support other public IaaS clouds.

Cloud Cost Estimator also introduces support for VMware vSphere 4.1 and the capability to integrate 3rd party collaboration tools like Microsoft SharePoint.