Release: hyperVM 1.4

After launching its hyperVM product in summer 2006 with support for OpenVZ and Xen, Lxlabs is ready to push out the new 1.4, which introduce interesting features:

  • Industrial Strength centralized backup for the entire cluster
    HyperVM backup uses linux hardlinks and rsync protocol to greatly reduce the space and the network overhead needed for backup management
  • IP pool
    Allows the Administrator to keep track of all the ipaddresses from a single location, and also automates the process of assigning ipaddresses to a VPS
  • VPS Plans
    Create vpses with a single click utilizing pre-built hosting plans
  • A commercial grade port monitoring system incorporated directly into the software allowing the users to monitor specific ports on their vpses themselves
  • A cluster wide reverse dns system, allowing the adminstrators to delegate creation directly to the customers
  • Graphs that provide health statistics and resource usage patterns of the virtual machines
  • Centralized Ostemplate management
    The ostemplates need to be maintained only on the master, and the slave nodes will automatically download them if they don’t have it
  • Fine grained client control
    HyperVM 1.4 provides the ability to control every aspects of your customer by limiting each feature individually

Check an online demo here.

Lxlabs is also expected to extend hyperVM management capabilities to VMware and Microsoft virtualization platforms.

The Virtualization Industry Roadmap has been updated accordingly.