NIMBOXX acquires VERDE assets from Virtual Bridges

February 10, 2015


NIMBOXX a company which creates converged hardware appliances combining storage, server, networking and virtualization technology announced that it has acquired the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) technology product VERDE from Virtual Bridges. Also the staff, customers and partners involved with VERDE VDI will be transferred. With this acquisition NIMBOXX can offer a complete VDI solution for its customers. The last release of VERDE which covered was in October 2013, since then the company only released a 7.1 version with minimal changes, how NIMBOXX is planning to further develop the product is not disclosed.


Virtual Bridges will continue to exist, but has shifted its focus to its Bridgepoint cloud orchestratation system product. Bridgepoint is a solutions which enables customers to build a VDI solution on a cloud environmetn using VMware or OpenStack technology.