Paper: Getting Started with OpenStack and VMware vSphere
January 14, 2014
VMware has released a paper titled: “Getting Started with OpenStack and VMware vSphere“. The paper which contains 21 pages, it is a guide targeted towards the implementation and use of OpenStack on top of a vSphere compute and storage infrastructure that becomes the provider of Nova compute instances and Cinder block storage volumes.
In this guide is leveraged the VMware OpenStack Virtual Appliance, a single Ubuntu Linux VM with all the required OpenStack services, in order to semplify the deployment.
The paper contains the following sections:
- Introduction
- VMware vSphere
- OpenStack
- Using OpenStack with vSphere
- OpenStack and vSphere: Conceptual Analogies
- The VMware OpenStack Virtual Appliance
- Requirements
- vSphere Requirements
- vSphere Inventory: Single Datacenter
- Cluster: Automated VMware vSphere Storage DRS
- Storage: Shared
- Networking
- Port Groups and VLANs
- ESXi Firewall
- DHCP Server
- vSphere Requirements
- Installation
- Importing VOVA
- Configuring VOVA
- Starting VOVA
- Configuring the VMware vSphere Web Client Plug-in for OpenStack
- Managing OpenStack with the Horizon Web Interface
- Logging In – Web
- Logging In – SSH/CLI
- Flavor of the Day
- Launching an Instance
- Accessing the Console for an Instance
- Managing Storage
- Adding Persistent Storage to an Instance
- Removing Persistent Storage from an Instance
- Adding the Persistent Storage to Another Instance
- Network