Paper: Project VRC: Phase VI - Best practices and impact of Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 in VDI
Project Virtual Reality Check has released a new paper titled: "Phase VI – Best practices and impact of Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 in VDI". The paper which can be downloaded after registration on the Project VRC website contains 56 pages and covers the impact of deploying and using Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Environments. This paper is the follow up of the paper: Project Virtual Reality Check phase V, which covered the impact of Anti Virus solutions on VDI environments.
For testing the Login Virtual Session Indexer benchmarking tool was used.
The paper contains the following chapters:
- Introduction
- About the authors
- The Login VSI benchmark
- The Project VRC Platform
- Office 2007 v.s. Office 2010 v.s. Office 2013
- Office 2013 Performance Tuning
- Win 7 x86 Office 2010 x86 v.s. Win 7 x64 Office 2010 x86
- Win 7 x64 Office 2010 x86 v.s. Win 7 x64 Office 2010 x64
- Win 7 x86 Office 2010 x86 v.s. Win 7 x64 Office 2010 x64
- Office 2010 Indexing On vs. Off
One of the conclusions:
Comparing both Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013 with Office 2007 there is a negligible capacity impact of 1% with Office 2010, but there is a very substantial difference of 20% with Office 2013. As a result, upgrading to Office 2013 requires 20% more VDI capacity in comparison to Office 2007 and Office 2010.