Paper: VDI Smackdown - solutions overview and feature comparison matrix version 2.0
Ruben Spruijt, CTO at PQR and one of the two founders of the Virtual Reality Check (VRC) project has announced the release of version 2 of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) smackdown. VDI Smackdown – solutions overview and feature comparison matrix version 2.0 contains 92 pages and compares the VDI solutions from the following vendors: Citrix, Microsoft, RedHat, Dell/Quest/Wyse, Virtual Bridges, VMware, Ericom, HP, Oracle, Teradici, Double Take, Cisco, Unidesk, Juniper, Cameyo, Spoon, Symantec, IBM, LANDesk, Novell, RES and Framehawk.
The paper has the following goals:
- Provide an application and desktop delivery solutions overview
- Explain the different desktop virtualization concepts
- Explain the pros and cons of desktop virtualization
- Highlight why application virtualization and VDI are a perfect fit
- Describe the different desktop virtualization vendors and solutions
- Compare the features of the various desktop virtualization solutions
Which Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solution is THE best?
It’s impossible to give an accurate answer to the question without a better understanding of the
In essence it depends on various areas as mentioned in paragraph 4.5, ‘VDI Strategy’.
It’s important to have a Vision and Strategy around Application and Desktop Delivery.
Designing, building, managing and maintaining the Optimized Desktop infrastructure using the
Right Technologies, corresponding vendors and products is an important step.
Success = Vision x Execution x Adoption. “This whitepaper is a useful resource in this journey!”