Paper: Deploying a Hypervisor using the Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter in a Dell Active System Manager Environment

December 4, 2012

Dell has released a paper titled: "Deploying a Hypervisor using the Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter in a Dell Active System Manager Environment" The paper which contains 14 pages details configuration of a Dell PowerEdge M1000e chassis with a Management Template in Active System Manager, and then deploying a hypervisor to one or more of its blade servers using the Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter. The paper assumes you have Dell Active System Manager and the Dell Management Plug-in already in place in your environment.

Active System Manager can configure blade servers for many different kinds of operating system deployments. An administrator creates a Deployment Template that includes system variables for a specific set of custom-defined configurations to meet the needs of a deployment environment, and then applies that template to a server.

After the server is configured, an administrator can use the Dell Management Plug-in to deploy a hypervisor to the bare metal blade server, connect the server to vCenter, and then apply a host profile to take advantage of custom hardware and network configurations.
