Release: AMD new FirePro S9000 and S7000 and Opteron

August 29, 2012

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. or AMD, launched on August 27 FirePro S9000 and S7000 Graphics Processors.

The American company officially presented at VMworld 2012 in San Francisco its latest versions for its line of graphics cards processors, created with the scope of speeding up the delivery of virtual desktops through servers.

S9000 and S7000 would allow IT administrator to reduce server power consumption, with a cost reduction, for a better management of workloads of CAD and media applications.  The new chips would work efficiently with usually graphic intensive software, as well on smartphones and tablets. AMD also realesed a new version of its processor-based server ADM Opteron, designed for virtualization environments.

David Cummings, senior director and general manager, Professional Graphics, AMD, affirms:

More companies want to virtualize their IT ecosystem in order to do more with less while remaining responsive to the needs of their users, with the arrival of the AMD FirePro S9000 and S7000 GPUs, we are responding to these needs by providing a seamless solution. Our server graphics not only provide an unrivaled feature set for data center customers, but blistering compute performance and outstanding power efficiency.