VMware Technical Journal Issue 1

April 2, 2012

March 2012 – VMware stars a new online publication with the purpose of raising the awareness among its customer and prospects about the new R&D areas where the company from Palo Alto is investing.

This first publishing covers distributed resource management, user experience monitoring and a couple of other topics we can resume with this index:

  1. Introduction
    Steve Herrod, CTO
  2. VisorFS: A Special-purpose File System for Efficient Handling of System Images
    Olivier Cremel
  3. A Software-based Approach to Testing VMware® vSphere® VMkernel Public APIs
    Lan Xue, Sreevathsa Sathyanarayana, James Truong, Sriram Sankaran, Ramesh Pallapotu, Thorbjoern Donbaek, Eric Lorimer
  4. Providing Efficient and Seamless Desktop Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
    Lizhu Zhang, Wenlong Shao, Jim Grandy
  5. Comprehensive User Experience Monitoring
    Lawrence Spracklen, Banit Agrawal, Rishi Bidarkar, Hari Sivaraman
  6. StatsFeeder: An Extensible Statistics Collection Framework for Virtualized Environments
    Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan, Balaji Parimi, Jon Cook
  7. VMware Distributed Resource Management: Design, Implementation, and Lessons Learned
    Ajay Gulati, Anne Holler, Minwen Ji, Ganesha Shanmuganathan, Carl Waldspurger, Xiaoyun Zhu
  8. Identity, Access Control, and VMware Horizon
    Will Pugh, Kyle Austin
  9. VMworld 2011 Hands-On Labs: Implementation and Workflow
    Adam Zimman, Clair Roberts, Mornay Van Der Walt

VMware will try to publish this journal on a  regular basis in the future.

Source: http://labs.vmware.com/publications/vmware-technical-journal