Release: VMTurbo Appliance update for August 2011
August 11, 2011
VMTurbo has announced the August 2011 update of its capacity management solution appliance, introducing support for the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor. The appliance can either run on vSphere where it is provided in the OVF fomat or on top of Hyper-V provided in the VHD format.
VMTurbo is available in three editions, each edition containing more functionality:
- Community Manager, which is free
- Enterprise Operations Manager, which is priced at $25 per socket per month or $5 per VM per month.
- Cloud Operations Manager, which is priced at $49 per socket per month or $9 per VM per month.
New features in this release:
- Microsoft Hyper-V support
- Policy builder tab, containing QoS system parameters, remedial system actions, VM priority assignment and email notifications
- Automated VM configuration based on performance recommendations
- Overhead of swapping is now taken into account
- Automated Storage vMotion
- Gathering IOPS and Latency performance metrics on a VM basis for each datastore
- Gathering of performance metrics between each host/datastore pairing
- Progress bar of each resolution as its applied
- New template capabilities