Release: VMTurbo Appliance update for May 2011

May 18, 2011

VMTurbo has released its May update for its capacity management solution appliance, the Virtualization Management Suite. This update is the follow up of the April update which covered last month.

New features in this release:

  • Inclusion of 2 additional monitored metrics, Input/Output operations per second (IOPS) and the associated latencies.
  • Addition of time selectors, which enable data retrieval and display for any discrete time, upto the retention limits in several new areas of the Monitor.


  • Enhancements to various storage reports, making it easier to identity wasted files.
  • Enhancements for the Monitor User interface, including the use of icons to identify the severity of a problem.
  • Customization of the interface, to narrow down the scope of interest in order to best identify problems and apply resolutions, available across Physical hosts, Virtual Machines and Datastores.
  • Information now includes both a percentage of utilization or capacity as well as absolute quantities.
  • When inspecting the performance metrics of a VM/application, you now see both the details of a VM specific problem, as well as those of the supporting infrastructure.
  • Inclusion of financial calculation in the simulation of planner


  • Ability to quantify savings or cost associated with changes to a VM
  • The ability to create detailed accounts of host capacity by cluster added to the list of pre-defined reports.