In June last year, covered Dögel IT-Mangement, a company entering the application virtualization market, with a product called Evalaze.
Now Dögel IT-Management has released version 1.0 of its Evalaze application virtualization product.
Evalaze provides a sandbox in the Windows OS providing file system and registry redirection. Applications are captured in snapshots and provided as EXE files which can be executed on clients.
Evalaze will be provided in a Free Edition with limited functionality for changing settings and Private Professional and Commercial Editions offering added functionality like isolation modes, file system and registry adjustment functionality and individualization of the splash screen.
- Support for running on top of Windows 2000, XP,Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2003 and 2008
- Application virtualization runs entirely in user mode.
- All virtualized applications, as well as any other instance, run in the same virtual environment.
- Support for 32bit applications on 64bit systems
- Running 16-bit application on 32-bit Windows machine.
- Determine whether the sandbox should automatically be deleted when the virtual application is closed.
- Adaptable home screen