VMware hires SVP of RSA Products as new head of End-User Computing business unit

September 21, 2010

At the end of August, during its VMworld conference (read virtualization.info live coverage) VMware announced the creation of a new End-User Computing business unit.

The company hired Christopher Young, the former Senior Vice President of RSA Products at EMC, as new head for the BU.
Young has been in that position for almost 6 years. Before that he was the Vice President of Safety and Security Premium Services at AOL.

With this move VMware probably wants to send out a strong message, suggesting that security is going to become a key part of its desktop virtualization offering.
A first step in this direction comes from the new vShield products recently announced: the security framework provided by vShield Endpoint is already integrated with View 4.5.
Additionally, the company just acquired TriCipher, a startup providing a single sign-on (SSO) solution for hybrid cloud computing infrastructures, which supports an impressive number of Software-as-a-Service (Saas) public clouds.