Release: Eucalyptus Systems Eucalyptus 2.0

June 17, 2010

In March Dell greatly boosted the popularity of the open source management console for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform based on KVM: Eucalyptus.
The product, part of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) Linux distribution maintained by Canonical, has been included in the OEM’s PowerEdge C Servers.

Now Eucalyptus Systems, the company that maintains the console, is leveraging the exposure window and releases the second version of the product, available in open source and commercial editions.

The major new feature is the support for Windows guest operating systems (2003, 2008 and 7) along with new accounting and user group management capabilities. All features that are only available in the Enterprise Edition of Eucalyptus.


The Enterprise and Open Source editions have other major differences, like the support for VMware ESX or the direct access to SAN management:
