Hyper9 launches an open source vSphere 4 simulator
While Hyper9 continues to build features on top of its search engine for virtual infrastructures, it also keeps R&D resources busy on parallel projects.
The last one, released a few days ago, is SimDK, an open source tool able to simulate the vSphere behavior.
Users can connect to the SimDK service with VMware clients, like the PowerCLI or the standard vSphere Client.
It’s primarily aimed at developers that want to do QA and testing, verify APIs compatibility or perform load and scalability testing, but it can be used to test, for example, 3rd party scripting tools like the Quest/Vizioncore Virtualization EcoShell Initiative (VESI).
SimDK can even emulate the vSphere APIs against a different hypervisor (like Citrix XenServer or Microsoft Hyper-V).
What happen here is that the tool acts as a proxy, translating the commands issued through the VMware APIs in something that other virtualization platforms can understand.
Here’s a video of the product in action: