Release: Virtual Bridges VERDE 3.0

December 9, 2009

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Exactly one year ago IBM and Virtual Bridges announced a partnership to resell an end-to-end desktop virtualization solution based on KVM.
That solution includes VERDE, a subset of the Virtual Bridges VDI connection broker (Win4VDI) that only supports Linux guest OSes.

Eight months later, Virtual Bridges completely replaced Win4VDI with VERDE 2.0, introduced support for Windows guest OSes, and added a lightweight Linux distribution which features KVM which customers can install on clients.

Today the company releases version 3.0, which introduces several new features like:

  • Capability to replicate a virtual desktop gold image across WAN links
  • Integration of VoIP capabilities (Skype) into the client-side KVM platform
  • Support for Microsoft Windows 7 virtual desktops
  • Support for Apple Mac hardware