VKernel launches three new betas: Wastefinder, Rightsizer and Inventory

July 22, 2009

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Despite its startup size VKernel continues to extend its portfolio, releasing new tools and updating the existing ones pretty much every month.
The last creation of the company is the Optimization Pack, just entered the public beta phase.

This new product includes three different tools:

  • Wastefinder
    This one is able to recognize the storage, memory and CPU resources wasted by inactive virtual machines (including their snapshots and the templates they come from).
  • Rigthsizer
    This one analyzes the virtual machines average utilization and peaks and suggests how to adjust virtual storage, vRAM and vCPUs accordingly.
  • Inventory
    Easy to guess this one tracks the provision of virtual machines and generate reports about the inventory.

VKernel published a video about each new tool: