Citrix hires a new CTO for the application virtualization division

July 13, 2009

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While much is changing at VMware, something big is changing at Citrix as well: the company hired a new Chief Technology Officer for its application virtualization division.

Harry Labana, who was a Vice President at Goldman Sachs for the last nine years.

To announces his new position Labana published two posts (one and two) on the Citrix corporate blogs, sharing some interesting views on how the product line will evolve:

…There is some really cool stuff coming with power management, so watch this space, and some future ideas that I hope we gain traction on. There are some advanced management ideas that we are thinking about and upcoming features that will help simplify your lives. HDX/ICA will continue to get better and you will see some new capabilities in very near term releases of the protocol…

For the ones that are wondering: Simon Crosby is still at his position as the CTO of the Virtualization & Management division.