VMware publishes the VMworld Europe 2009 sessions
For the ones that missed the opportunity to attend the second edition of VMworld Europe, virtualization.info published a live coverage of the opening keynotes (Day 1 – Paul Maritz / Day 2 – Dr. Stephen Herrod) and a final wrap-up.
Of course this is definitively not enough. Luckily VMware is filling the gap: two weeks ago it published an impressive number of videos (including the recordings of the keynotes above and a precious, unannounced Q&A session with the company executives).
This week it’s the turn of the breakout sessions, available in slides and videos here after a free registration after paying a $699 yearly subscription.
Among the others virtualization.info recommends to watch the following:
- AP03 Avoiding Pitfalls: The Hidden Costs of Managing your VMware Infrastructure
- AP12 Managing Application Performance with vCenter AppSpeed
- DC01 An Introduction to VMware vCenter Orchestrator
- DC07 What’s New in vCenter Server
- DC08 vCenter Server for Linux
- DC15 Hypervisor Competitive Differences: Beyond the Data Sheet
(more about this work from the Burton Group at the beginning of April) - DC18 Introduction to VMware vCenter ConfigControl
- DC25 VMware vCenter Data Recovery: Technical Overview
- DC35 How VMware Uses Virtualization
- DV03 Virtualization on mobile phones? Why do I need that?
- DV06 Desktop Disaster Recover with View and SRM
- TA03 An Introduction to VMware vCenter Chargeback
- TA20 Cisco Nexus 1000V Technical Preview
- TA22 Technology Preview: vCenter CapacityIQ
- TP03 Engineering Developments enabling the Virtual Datacenter – VMware, Cisco and EMC